A Provencal Eden

Some places will not leave you indifferent. Steeped in history, le Prieuré de Montézargues is one of those places. Protected by the surrounding vegetation and the building’s thick walls, this gives us the impression of being cut off from the world.
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Prieuré de Montézargues Vignes

In the Heart of Tavel, France’s 1st Rosé

By crossing the Rhône from Châteauneuf-du-Pape you will arrive in Tavel, a small village in the Provençal Gard. To the west stands the Pont du Gard, not far from Uzès and its famous market. Further down is Avignon, the city of Popes. Ideally located in the heart of Tavel is the Prieuré de Montézargues, nestled in the Mediterranean forest and dominated by Mont Ventoux. A little piece of paradise cut off from the world!

Prieuré de Montézargues Vignes

A Place Steeped in History

It is certainly not by chance that a monastic community settled here in the twelfth century. The Prieuré de Montézargues was part of the abbey of Grandmont. William II and Rostang II of Sabran provided the necessary mill and water and the independent woods in 1199. The monks who settled at the Prieuré de Montézargues obtained fishing rights to the Pujaut pond, which has since dried up. Pope Innocent III wrote to the Abbot of Grandmont, urging him to receive this new community in grace. To which he consented. In 1295, only three clergymen remained.

Sauvegarde du Roy
The history of Tavel, which King Philip the Fair called the “king of rosés,” dates back to Roman times. Therefore, we can assume to a great extent that the “king of rosés” was also the “rosé of kings”! But also, that of popes. Prieuré de Montézargues wines were the only ones, along with the Burgundy Clos de Vougeot, officially identified as appearing at the pontifical table when the papacy resided in Avignon, in the 14th century.

The Prieuré de Montézargues Today

Charmed by the beauty of the site, the Richard family acquired the estate in 2003. Today, the vineyard covers some 34 hectares of vines in one single parcel. To preserve nature and our terroirs, the estate has had organic certification since the 2013 vintage.
